Coming Out On Top Wiki

Jed Zhou is a potential love interest of Mark in Coming Out On Top.

Character Profile

Jed is a trusting, no-nonsense kind of guy, thinking everyone should be their genuine selves.  He is the lead singer, keyboardist, and song writer of the rising local punk-rock band The Dirty Loofahs. Jed is very dedicated to his music career and wants the band to be all it can be, but is not willing to compromise his beliefs and "sell out" the band's identity for a quick shot at success.

Jed works part-time delivering pizzas and often takes odd jobs to support his music career.

Jed is initially portrayed as somewhat direct and intimidating, having no problem at all being naked in public, hosting bukkake parties with strangers and even inviting people he very recently met to join in.

Towards the end of his romantic route, Jed is shown to be very sweet and caring towards Mark, a sharp contrast to his bad boy first impression.


Jed has dark brown eyes, long jet black hair he wears tied into a pony tail, and piercings on his left eyebrow and ears. He has a striped tattoo on his left arm and a brick pattern tattoo on the lower right arm. His musculature is lean and well-toned, with a slim waist.

When he is performing with his band he only wears red striped suspenders. He also wears a black, ripped sleeveless tee with a ivory necklace or white sleeveless tee with a blue cap.

During the church service and the piano competition he wears a suit, which he does not enjoy.


I'm gay. (Proceed to #2)
I'm gay. High five! (Proceed to #2)
Uh, just a reminder. (Just pick one of the others for the sake of simplicity)
All right. (Starts Alex's route so for the sake of simplicity pick the other.)
Eh. (Proceed to #3)
Fine, fine! (Starts Alex's route so for the sake of simplicity pick the other.)
No. (Proceed to #4)
I bet it's nice... (Proceed to #5)
I wonder what your... (Proceed to #5)
I've got a lot on my mind... (Proceed to #5, recommended)
Borrow his lube. (Just pick the other for the sake of simplicity)
Ew, are you kidding me? (Proceed to #6)
Whack off. (Just pick the other for the sake of simplicity)
Sleep like an angel. (Proceed to #7, recommended)
HELLLOOO Professor. (Just pick the other for the sake of simplicity)
Meh. (Proceed to #8, recommended)
Penny! Enough with the orange photos! (Proceed to #9)
Please, can we beta test another time? (Proceed to #9)
NO. (Proceed to #10)
Okay, okay, OKAY!!! (Proceed to #10)
Sure, no prob. (Starts Ian's route so for the sake of simplicirt pick the other)
No. (Proceed to #11)
I'm bidding my time. (Proceed to #12)
I'm planning on telling them. (Proceed to #12, recommended)
Tell them. (Proceed to #13, recommended)
Oh, you know. (Proceed to #13)
Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash. (Proceed to #14)
Get a head start start on term paper. (Proceed to #14)
Watch the Horror Movie... (Proceed to #14)
Beat off... (Proceed to #15)
Study... (Proceed to #15, recommended)
Can you guys handle this? (Ends Route)
One of us should go... (Proceed to #16)
I thought you were high. (Proceed to #17)
Annoying, but I'm slowly getting over it. (Proceed to #17)
I didn't like you at all. (Proceed to #17)
I thought you were hot. (Proceed to #17)
You need to relax, Ian.(Proceed to #17)
Well, it's after hours. (Ends Route)
Fine, fine, I'll go. (Proceed to #18)
Whoaaa, look, I live downstairs. (Proceed to #19)
Huh? Oh, riiight. That's me, Cumslut97! (Proceed to #26)
I'm not joining your circle of perverts, okay? (Proceed to #30)
Listen, if you don't keep the noise down, I'm calling the cops. (Proceed to #30)
All right, good try. You're not fooling anybody. (Proceed to #20)
Did you s-s-say room for one more? (Proceed to #21)
Ha! Interrogate? (Proceed to #30)
Yes, I'm ready to test whether my hypotheses are true. (Proceed to #21)
Look, I'll have you know. (Proceed to #22)
Come on, I know what Bukkake is. (Proceed to #22)
Well, not entirely. Is it like a potluck? (Proceed to #30)
I see where this is going... (Proceed to #30)
Well um, technically the "star" needs to be be naked. (Proceed to #23)
If you're the "star," you need to be naked (Proceed to #24, path to unlock CG#1)
Well, if you're the "star,"... (Proceed to #25)
Ok, I am NOT playing this game, pervert. (Proceed to #30)
Show him by stripping off your clothes. (Proceed to #25)
Ok, I'm not playing this perverted game. (Proceed to #30)
Uh, yeah. You'd get on the floor, on your knees. (Proceed to #30, unlocks CG#1)
You cum on my face. (Proceed to #30, unlocks CG#2)
Cum on my face, motherfucker. (Proceed to #30, unlocks CG#2)
Tilt your face towards his cock, open your mouth, and wait. (Proceed to #30, unlocks CG#2)
Do nothing. (Proceed to #30, unlocks CG#2)
Sure. We can make this a two man party. (Proceed to #27)
Bukkake party! (Proceed to #30)
This is a mistake. I'm leaving. (Proceed to #30)
Get naked. (Proceed to #28)
What the fuck?! (Proceed to #30)
Kneel. (Proceed to #29)
Give me that fucking cum. (Proceed to #30, unlocks CG#2)
As a polite gesture, I'd appreciate... (Proceed to #30, unlocks CG#2)
God, FINE! (Starts Phil's route, which can later be stopped, but for the sake of simplicity pick the other.)
You know who loves getting up... (Proceed to #31, recommended)
Accept the job. (Starts Brad's route, which can later be stopped, but for the sake of simplicity pick the other.)
Tell her no. (Proceed to #32)
Oh god! (Proceed to #33, recommended)
Thanks for listening, Slurpy. (Proceed to #33)
All right, all right. (Proceed to #35, recommended)
Are you done with armchair psychologizing? (Proceed to #34)
No thanks. (Proceed to #36)
GAWD, FINE! (Proceed to #35)
A couple laps at the pool sound refreshing. (Proceed to #26)
Work up a sweat on the treadmill. (Proceed to #26)
Exercise? (Proceed to #26)
Tutor at the Student Learning Center... (Proceed to #27)
Get some extra studying done. (Proceed to #27)
Accompany Ian and Penny to... (Proceed to #27)
Fine, fine... (Proceed to #38)
I'm not interested... (Proceed to #38)
Stop thinking about that lunatic and go to sleep. (Ends Route)
To hell with it. Go upstairs. (Proceed to #38)
Fine, fine. (Proceed to #39)
Not gonna happen. (Proceed to #40)
You're here for a purpose... (Proceed to #40)
Maybe see... (Proceed to #40)
Hit the treadmill. (Proceed to #40)
Tutor at the Student Learning Center... (Proceed to #41)
Get some extra studying done. (Proceed to #41)
Invite Ian and Penny to the beach... (Proceed to #41)
Head over to Jed's (Proceed to #42)
Refuse. (Ends Route)
Sure. I'd like that. (Proceed to #43)
Sorry. I have a lot going on that night. (Ends Route)
Throw your hands in the air... (Proceed to #44)
Order another drink and try to avoid losing an eye. (Proceed to #44)
Close your eyes, bow your head... (Proceed to #44)
That is so true. (Proceed to #45)
That is so not true. (Proceed to #45)
Well, it's different. (Proceed to #46)
Ohmygod it was great!. (Proceed to #46)
I'll be honest, you guys need work. (Proceed to #46)
Uh, I'm not a big fan of this genre. (Proceed to #46)
I liked it. (Proceed to #46)
No! The cops are right below us! (Proceed to #47)
You're right. Just keep going. (Proceed to #47, unlocks CG#3)
Tutor at the Student Learning Center... (Proceed to #48)
Get some studying done. (Proceed to #48)
Since you promised the old lady... (Proceed to #48)
I'm starved. (Proceed to #49)
No thanks, I'm good. (Proceed to #49)
I'm hungry for something other than pizza. (Proceed to #49, unlocks #50)
Sounds awesome. I'd love to. (Proceed to #51 or #50 if you chose the last option before)
Gosh. Sorry. (Ends Route)
Depends. (Proceed to #51 or #50 if you chose the last option before)
I get extra pepperoni. (Proceed to #51)
Gee, I guess I get a dick in my mouth. (Proceed to #51)
Oh, I know Jed, the lead singer. (Proceed to #52)
Physically alone, I may be. (Proceed to #52, recommended)
Who are the Dirty Loofahs? I'm here for the Beebs. (Proceed to #52)
Remove your clothes. (Proceed to #53)
Keep your clothes on. (Ends Route)
Stare ahead blankly. (Proceed to #54)
Smile like a champ. (Proceed to #54)
Flip off the officer and yell... (Proceed to #54)
Say nothing. (Proceed to #55)
You're bitching way too much about this. (Proceed to #55)
I'm—I'm not his fanboy! (Proceed to #55)
Tutor at the Student Learning Center... (Proceed to #56)
Get some studying done. (Proceed to #56)
Treat Penny to a dinner... (Proceed to #56)
Okay, I'll deliver the money to the band. (Proceed to #58)
(Lie) Okay, I'll deliver the money to the band. (Ends Route)
I'm not your errand boy, Jed. (Proceed to #57)
I really think you should go yourself. (Proceed to #58)
I've got stuff to do. (Ends Route)
Fine. But this is the last time! (Proceed to #58)
He did have me deliver some money... (Proceed to #59)
Nothing, never mind. (Proceed to #59)
You know, he might seem a little nuts... (Proceed to #60)
It's not like that. (Proceed to #60)
Sounds like you need help. I'm on my way. (Proceed to #62)
I'm sorry man. That's pretty far. (Ends Route)
You know, I'm starting to get the feeling... (Proceed to #61)
Jed, if you can't be honest... (Ends Route)
I'll pick you up. (Proceed to #62)
Since no one else is willing to do it... (Proceed to #63)
Kick his ass. (Proceed to #63)
Say nothing. (Proceed to #63)
What's your problem, Vince? (Proceed to #63)
I'll keep an eye out for him. (Ends Route)
I'll see what I can do to help. (Proceed to #64)
7th Day Adventist. (Ends Route)
8th Presbyterian. (Proceed to #65)
9th Baptist. (Ends Route)
10th Zoroastrianist. (Ends Route)
11th Satanist. (Ends Route)
Attend church. (Proceed to #66)
No way. (Ends Route)
Yeah, those guys are hilarious. (Proceed to #67)
The Stooges? Wow, really? (Proceed to #67)
Those dudes were legend for a reason. (Proceed to #67)
Is that really so bad though? (Proceed to #68)
They've got connections and resources. (Proceed to #68)
You gotta do whatever makes this worth it for you. (Proceed to #68)
Tutor at the Student Learning Center... (Proceed to #69)
Get some studying done. (Proceed to #69)
Accompany Ian... (Proceed to #69)
Go to the band meeting,... (Proceed to #70)
Go to the competition and support Jed. (Ends Route)
We've got some real pressing issues here. (Proceed to #71)
You guys can't kick Jed out. (Ends Route)
Give him a pep talk. (Proceed to #72, unlocks CG#9 in the ending)
Kiss him. (Proceed to #74, unlocks CG#7 in the ending)
You should really channel... (Ends Route)
Kiss him harder. (Proceed to #73, path to CG#9)
Enter a stall. (Proceed to #74, path to CG#9)
Um, I don't think I'm up for this. (Ends Route)
Top him. (Unlocks CG#5)
Bottoms up (Unlocks CG#4)



Mark first encounters Jed during a noise complaint. Jed greets Mark while naked, and thought he was arriving early for a bukkake party. Disappointed that Mark isn't "CumSlut97," he invites Mark to join in or stop back by for free sex on another night, thinking Mark needs a little loosening up.

Jed affectionately nicknamed Mark "Sparky," because according to Jed Mark reminds him of someone he met in prison. In reality, Sylvia explains Sparky was a nickname for someone from Sunday school (prison for kids) that Jed had a childhood crush on.

During his romance route, Jed makes surprise visits to Mark's apartment to deliver "peace offering" pizzas. He invites Mark to see his punk-rock band "The Dirty Loofas" perform, but a fight breaks out and cops arrive to break it up and make arrests. Jed escapes with Mark to the roof, where they discuss music and Jed gives him a blowjob.

The band gains recognition at the cost of member cohesion, as they are losing money. Jed pays Mark another visit, and invites him to another gig the band is playing, though he accidentally gives him a pamphlet for a church service.

Ian and Penny worry Jed is using Mark when he continuously asks for help, but in the end Jed asks because he trusts Mark.

Jed is nearly kicked out by other members when an opportunity to rebrand presents itself. With Mark's help, the band is kept together and Jed wins a piano competition to fund further success without having to resort to changing their music or identity.


Sylvia is Jed's older sister by a few years. She often visits to check up on her younger brother just to make sure he's still breathing. She's not a huge fan of his lifestyle or how flaky he can act, and the two do get into fights. Regardless, she does care for him and worries when he goes missing.


Penny was the first person to meet Jed to complain about the noise, but found out first hand about his habit of being naked. Penny didn't press the noise issue further afterward. Jed refers to her amicably as "Purplelady," while Penny refers to Jed as "T-Rex Tuesday" due to making noise every Tuesday night.


  • Jed's of Taiwanese descent.
  • He prefers going commando to wearing underwear.
  • He is a fan of the American rock band The Stooges.
  • Jed plays classical piano and won many awards and medals in his younger days.
  • He is uncircumcised.